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AVEVA Product Feedback

Status Declined
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 20, 2022

Let the dimension of an analysis determine the attribute's allowable default UOMs

Currently, if an analysis is mapped to an attribute, the dimension of the analysis's output is ignored and the user must instead choose the attribute's default UOM manually based on the intended dimension of the analysis's output. To help the user out, the choices of default UOM should be restricted to those whose dimension matches that of the analysis output. If any other unit is chosen, an error should be produced.
    Aug 20, 2022
    This request requires us to perform dimensional analysis which we have no plans to do. Having said that, in recent releases we have progressively added features to improve the user experience. For example, if all the inputs to the analysis have UOM from the same class, we interpret that to mean the output should be in the same UOM class. In this instance, AF would perform UOM class conversion if the output attribute had previously been configured with an UOM from the same class as in the inputs.
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  • Guest
    Aug 20, 2022
    If all inputs have the same UOM class, the output is not necessarily in the same UOM class. A good example is totalizers, where the output's dimension is the input's dimension multiplied by time. Dimensional analysis would be hugely useful and would help prevent lots of silly errors.