Add Access Right that Allow Users to Create Tags But Not Delete Tags
As a user of the PI Data Archive, I would like the ability to give users access to create tags but not to be able to delete tags. This way they will not be able to accidentally delete tags but they still have the ability to create tags.
We highly appreciate this suggestion and support it: We are using PI DA in a validated environment. Deletion is not allowed. But creation of tags is of course required. Therefore it would be helpful if delete option could be deactivated for certain users and the other options (edit/comment/create) would still be possible for certain users.
Due to I have about colleague 10 persons to maintain some pi tags. and if someone deleted some pi tags then It's hard to recovery data to that PI tags. and I preferred way to recovery tag and simply method or you can setup 1 superadmin can have privillage to delete some tags.
I support this as we have certain SME's that would benefit from creating/modifying tags, but leaves the actual deletion/data protection to our Pi Admins.