I would like to have the option to disable the feature introduced in PI System Explorer 2018 SP2 to pop up the following message when an Enumeration set does not match the name of a digital set in the PI Data Archive:
"An AFEnumerationSet matching the digital state set for PI Point was not found"
The message appears every time you open a new element with attributes with not matching Enumeration sets for each of those attributes.This can become very tiresome.
This happens when the names of the enumeration set and the digital state set don't match. For example, I have a tag with a Digital State set called [Site Code].A/B/C/D/E/F/G with the values mapped A-G, 0-6. This exists for six sites. In AF, I created a more generic Enumeration Set called "Stability Class", still mapped A-G, 0-6. Every time I expand an attribute (I have these set as a child attribute) or search, I get 20 pop-ups telling me "EnumerationSet Not Found" and it's incredibly frustrating, as this is not the only attribute with an Enumeration Set like this.