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AVEVA Product Feedback

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Categories Security
Created by jerome.boudon
Created on Aug 20, 2022

Provide a central point to manage the security for the whole PI System

Instead of having several admlin tools to manage the security for data archive, AF, PI Vision, PI Integrators Could you provide a centralized security management interface which could manage all the existing and upcoming OSIsoft tools
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  • Laurie Dieffenbach
    Nov 19, 2024

    A particular scenario where more efficient security configuration would be helpful: a new data source is brought online as part of a brownfield expansion project. A set of tags representing a control loop is created to monitor brining the new asset online, but the tags are not historized since tuning is being performed. Later, a similar set of tags is created (with history) to monitor the control loop going forward, but the PI Admins want to hide the temporary tags from end users so they do not accidentally use them. These tags should also be hidden from external systems pulling data from the PI Server. An efficient way to select tags and set their security is the desired result.