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AVEVA Product Feedback

Status Declined
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 19, 2022

Attribute traits limits should handle questionable flag or old timestamp of snapshot

AF Attribute traits should add the functionality of flagging questionable data (if PIPointDR has currently the questionable flag turned on) or the value has a current snapshot timestamp older than a certain relative time.
    Aug 19, 2022
    In AF, we currently do not automatically evaluate the staleness of a PI Point, i.e. checking timestamps. One of the reason is that AF clients such as PI System Explorer does not keep a continuous connection with the underlying PI Point. If you have a need to do data quality on the Limits Trait (as PI Points), you should consider using something Analytics to flag those PI Points.
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  • Roger Palmen
    Aug 19, 2022
    Hmm, i'm wondering 1) which rules that would need to apply to set the questionable flag, and 2) what functionality you would expect from the questionable flag set on a trait value   I would be a bigger fan of allowing AF analytics to set read & write the questionable flag on a value (more generic) and then add some visualization options for questionable data in all symbols (e.g. displaying a question mark icon where the value is used / shown)