Ability to change the timezone used in PI System Explorer with a feature similar to what is found in PI DataLink or PI SMT 2017.
As an end user, I would like to be able to change the timezone referenced in PI System Exporer from client timezone to server timezone. Something similar to the "PI Data Archive Time Zone" setting found in PI DataLink would be helpful.
Unfortunately this is complexity associated with this as there can be multiple PI Data Archives per AF database. In this case, there may be multiple server times. What would be your desired behavior if, for example, you an an attribute that has a PI point from ServerA and another attribute that has a PI Point from ServerB, and these servers are in different time zones?
In response to Stephen Kwan, "Unfortunately this is complexity associa..."
So also during this case I took a look at how PI Vision handles this, as it also has to be able to load values from multiple archives at possibly the same time. The PI Vision LiveLibrary has this link: Change timezone settings in PI Vision
With this, you are able to modify a PI Vision database table with an “OverrideTimeZone setting” that is then implemented in all PI Vision displays. What do you think the viability of this solution would be?
I definitely see where you are coming from, as on a larger scale this would require the AF client to contain a deeper level of knowledge about the system it is pulling data from. For this use case, however, because all clients and servers are EST it may be an option to consider.
As Colin mentioned above, there are options to "Override" the time zone setting. However, the override options assume daylight time and there are no options for not observing daylight time that we could find other than creating a custom time zone.
In response to Tom Harris, "As Colin mentioned above, there are opti..."
We really have two situations here.
1) In PI System Explorer, if Attribute1 is from Tag1 at ServerTimeZone1 and Attribute2 is from Tag2 at ServerTimeZone2, then what we really have are 3 time zones - Client time zone, ServerTimeZone1 and ServerTimeZone2. So it's not possible to automatically pick a time zone as you can imagine there could be more than 3.
2) There are times where the AF Server is in a different time zone than the PITags. Depending on your needs, this may not be desirable.
In PI Builder, we provide an option to show values in "Local Time Zone", "Server Time Zone" or "UTC". Is this sufficient for you if we implement this in PI System Explorer? Or do you want a want to designate a specific time zone?
Steve Kwan
Yes, a radial button in PI Explorer with those three options would be perfect for our situation. Also, a similar feature in PI Vision would be outstanding.
Thank you,
When pulling events from an AF server using Datalink, an option to use the server time zone would be helpful. Regards of the PI Data Archive times associated with various points, the event has a defined start and end, or at least the potential for such.
Currently, when pulling events with Datalink and using 'PI Data Archive' time, the setting seems to be ignored and defaults back to 'Client time'