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AVEVA Product Feedback

Status Declined
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 19, 2022

Improvement of AF Identities/Mappings - Make it similar to PI Data Archive

When adding a Mapping to an Identity in the AF Server this will always generate a new mapping linked to a user/group account. If this user/group account it's already mapped to an identity then, by default, it will add 1 to the mapping name. If I have a user called PISCHOOL\u602 and I add it to an identity Engineers it will generate a mapping called PISCHOOL\U602. If I add this same user to another identity like Support then it will by default generate a mapping called PISCHOOL\U603. This can be misleading since the PISCHOOL\U603 user might already exist and we could think that this user its already mapped to an identity. I would like to suggest to use the same method use in the PI Data Archive where the mappings are unique and the identities are added to them. Please see the images attached for a graphic example.
    Aug 19, 2022
    Thank you very much for sharing your feedback on the PI Server. After further evaluation, we have decided to decline this item, as we are not planning on implementing it in the near future due to other high priority items across the PI System. Thank you for your feedback, and know that we are listening and reviewing every item that gets submitted!
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  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2022
    I think that the real problem is in the naming of the mapping, not the fact that you can have multiple mappings for the same user/group. I think that a good solution would be to allow mappings to have the same name, and instead distinguish between mappings using an internal and hidden ID number.