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AVEVA Product Feedback

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Created by Kelsey Bobeck
Created on Aug 19, 2022

Add additional Analysis Search Criteria options to PSE Management

It would be helpful if you could search by Element Category or Element Description when searching for Analyses in PSE. My setup is 5 templates (CHW, Water, HW, Electric, Steam), each of which have accounts that can come from 5 different sources (selectable by element category). I can't filter by both commodity type AND source, I can only do Commodity type using the "Template" criteria option, as the "Category" and "Description" search criteria options relate to Analyses, not to elements. This severely limits the functionality of the search feature for me.
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  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2022
    It would be helpful to restrict searches to specific branches of the element hierarchy. Now, the search only allows you to search by element name, but not by element path. This is confusing since the Element Name column in the search results shows the full element path. It would helpful to have one of two options: 1. Keep the element name search but expand the search to look at the full element path. This would allow a search like Plant1*Area1* to return all analyses under a given branch. 2. Implement the full element search as as in PSE Elements plugin and other clients. This would allow users to set a root element for the search.
  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2022
    Agree with Brent. A standard wildcard search should return all elements containing the search criteria.