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AVEVA Product Feedback

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Created by Roger Palmen
Created on Aug 19, 2022

Add description to internal AF tables

When defining an internal AF table, i would like to have a description column. That i can use to make the AF model more self-documenting. Now i need to describe the table and all the columns in the table description which is too limited for tables with many columns
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  • Guest
    Aug 23, 2024

    As column names can only be so descriptive while also maintaining brevity, a description column would help significantly. Especially when there's a large team (and/or consultant(s)), what one person considers an "obvious" name may not be the same as another and this would help with continuity of understanding.

  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2022
    The table object itself has a description. Is that insufficient for your needs?
  • Roger Palmen
    Aug 19, 2022
    In response to Stephen Kwan, "The table object itself has a descriptio..." The reason i upvoted is because i would like descriptions for each column in the table. As the original post mentions, trying to explain the function of each column in a 20+ column table in the table description is impractical
  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2022
    Our team of PI Support professionals would also like to see a 'meta-data', or 'descriptions' column in the [Define Table] tab in the table's configuration panel of PI System Explorer. For example we would like to be able to describe the source of a column's data in cases where there are multiple sources for the various columns of data in the table. Another reason would be for example the values of the column are the result of an equation that can be described there.