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AVEVA Product Feedback

Status Declined
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 19, 2022

Make Excluded attribute easier to apply

Can the option to exclude an attribute be made easier to use in PI System Explorer? I have many elements which require hiding attributes and it currently requires 6 clicks per attribute to hide them. Could we instead have a check box available directly in the configuration pane?
    Aug 19, 2022
    You can process multiple items at one time. For attributes within a single element, just mutli-select the attributes in PSE, then, in the attributes pane, Choose the "Excluded" option from the properties drop down. To process multiple attributes from multiple elements, Perform an Attribute Search from the Search menu. Execute the search and hit OK. The list of attributes will be in the grid pane in PSE. Multi-select the ones you want (Ctrl+Click, Shift+Click, or Ctrl+A) - and again, use the Properties drop-down on the right to Exclude them. Finally, PI Builder is also another mechanism to do this. Unfortunately, adding a single line for Excluded in the form is difficult. There are 16 different possible check boxes, and there is not space to allow a check box for each.
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  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2022
    You can process multiple items at one time. For attributes within a single element, just mutli-select the attributes in PSE, then, in the attributes pane, Choose the "Excluded" option from the properties drop down. To process multiple attributes from multiple elements, Perform an Attribute Search from the Search menu. Execute the search and hit OK. The list of attributes will be in the grid pane in PSE. Multi-select the ones you want (Ctrl+Click, Shift+Click, or Ctrl+A) - and again, use the Properties drop-down on the right to Exclude them. Finally, PI Builder is also another mechanism to do this. Unfortunately, adding a single line for Excluded in the form is difficult. There are 16 different possible check boxes, and there is not space to allow a check box for each.