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AVEVA Product Feedback

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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 19, 2022

library management

As an administrator I require a better mechanism to manager AF Library objects across multiple AF servers. I would suggest extending the current library functionality in AF to include the following: * library can be versioned * Objects created in AF from a library are read-only and linked to the library. e.g. a user is unable to alter an element template that is created from a library. If the library is updated the linked object in AF is updated. If the object is removed from the library the equivalent object is removed from AF. * Powershell based interface for the management of libraries on AF servers. This will facilitate automation of the library management. Management would include deploying, updating and removing a library from an AF Server and AF Database. * Library dependency. A library should allow for dependencies. e.g. A smelter library depends on the core equipment library. I'm of the opinion that this is an essential element (pun intended) to making AF a truly enterprise solution.
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2022
    this is very similar to this one...
  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2022
    I agree here with the need for centralized AF admin across a fleet of AF servers. We have seen this need a lot in Upstream o&g where broadly decentralized (very remote) assets require a centralized admin. A weak link in this enterprise architecture can be poor reliability of the network between corporate PI and site PI. Customers are often asking to have as much analytics as possible at the the lowest layer (near the edge). distribute analytics into smarter layers this way. increase speed of delivery to site users. egress less from site, only the important stuff. all this points to needing centralized AF library admin. A global AF library is essential to solve enterprise wide problems. Totally agree!