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AVEVA Product Feedback

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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 19, 2022

Attribute Synonyms

As a AF Administrator, I would like to be able to define a list of synonym names for attributes associated with an element template SO THAT different sites leveraging the template can have their attributes shown based on their "local" terminology. For example, one site might call an attribute 'Speed' and another site might call it "RPM". It's a challenge to get sites to agree on what to call things in a standard template which can result in little progress of building out AF.
    Aug 19, 2022
    We have been trying to find a solution to this for many years and have come to a conclusion that we won't be able to implement this in a generalized way. First of all, we do not do dynamic translation of words and phrases. As such, we cannot support translated or localized random attribute names. If we were able to support user defined alternative names, we have to work through the search experience. If one were to search for abc*, we have received differences of opinion on how that should work. Should be return both the the base and alternative words? What if the user entered list is incomplete and we end up with a mix of base and alternative words? What if there are duplications between the base and alternative words used in different places? Lastly there are user specified operations, especially in Asset Analytics, that depends on exact words like path. If such a database was moved and alternative words are used, then it's likely many things would break. Given there are so many pitfalls and uncertainties, rather than providing an incomplete and unstable solution, we have decided against implementing this idea.
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  • Matt Voll
    Aug 19, 2022
    This is very similar to the need for being able to support multiple language. We have standard template deployment but the synonyms are the attribute names in Portuguese, Dutch, Chinese, etc.
  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2022
    Many our customers have the same requirement re localization
  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2022
    Would you need one alternate name/language per attribute? or multiple alternate/language per attribute? Would this be need for attribute names only? What about element names? Any feedback you can provide would be helpful.
  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2022
    It would see it like for every entry in the AF structure: Elements / Attributes / Analysis name / Notification Rule name/ ... and only as a multi language. Local Terminology can be considered as a language. I would not want to see it just to deviate from the standard template, that is just the purpose of a standard = all the same! So a language would be applied to the complete structure and would be able to be turned on or off. I would not want to go find out what part is local terminology or not when browsing over a structure. Items that have no language/alternate name would still show as the original language when the local language is applied.
  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2022
    Will be helpful to have: - multiple alternate/language per attribute, - synonyms for elements too, - possibilities to use attribute synonyms in PI Vision and others products
  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2022
    Definitely, support for an arbitrary number of alternative languages is better than support for just 1 alternative language. It's pretty common for companies to have operations in multiple countries where multiple languages are spoken. On a side note, the speed versus rpm example is not the best. rpm is clearly not a good name for the attribute, since it won't make sense if the value is ever converted to a different unit.