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AVEVA Product Feedback

Status Declined
Categories System Management
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 19, 2022

Make message logs easier to export in bulk

Tech support often asks customers for message logs in bulk. The PISDKUtility and SMT are not good for this because they run out of memory if you try to load too many messages. The only way to export the logs is to use the command line pigetmsg utility and pipe the output to a text file, but PI users who haven't used it before often run into syntax errors when using it. It usually requires a step-by-step explanation, which also requires a caveat that pigetmsg.exe is in a different folder if the machine is a PI Server (%piserver%adm vs. %pihome64%adm). It would be nice if, for example, the AboutPI-SDK utility allowed you to easily export and zip X days of logs with a user friendly GUI.
    Aug 19, 2022
    We have reviewed this idea, and it’s not something we plan to implement at this time. Even though we are declining this idea for now, it is still open to comments. We do want to hear your opinion. Thank you for the feedback, and please, keep sharing!
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