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AVEVA Product Feedback

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Categories Event Frames (EF)
Created by Christoph Rose
Created on Aug 20, 2022

Limit visibility of EF to those of which the user has read access to the primary element

Currently the visibility of Event Frames in PI Vision and elsewhere is only limited by the security of those Event Frames. As the security of Event Frames created by Analyses is dependent on the security settings of the Event Frame template (and those are fixed in Analysis templates) it is difficult/impossible to use templates across an AF hierarchy with different security settings. If the user at least could only see those Event Frames where they have read access to the primary element, it would make everything a lot easier. Right now, in PI Vision for example, the user can simply create/edit an Event table, set the asset name to any asset and then find all Event Frames across the entire hierarchy - even those the user can't see anything else of because they do not have read access to the elements.
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Nov 22, 2024

    Agreed with the proposal; that would be helpful and consistent when standardizing events on elements that do not belong to the same scope (i.e. with different security settings).

  • Guest
    Aug 20, 2022
    I agree. Having Event Frames be able to inherit security settings from the creating element, also described at '', would help our Operations needs significantly. We have streamlined our displays shared with our customers so they use the same displays and we use the element-level security in AF to control what they see, in accordance with federal regulations. Since no analog exists for Event Frames, all event monitoring requires us to still monitor on behalf of others and notify them as appropriate. While we could cobble something together with PI Notifications or Event Frame Templates, it would greatly increase our AF work. We already set the security of a parent element and all children inherit it so our organization of elements drives a security maintenance linear to our number of customers. To replicate this with Notifications or Event Frame Templates, it would be at the individual event analysis level, which would be multiple geometric increases in setup and maintenance work. It would also erase many efficiencies we enjoy from Element Templates. If event frames inherited the element security settings, we'd have no increased maintenance and we'd only need to share an existing Event Table with all our customers via Vision like we do for all our other displays.