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AVEVA Product Feedback

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Categories Event Frames (EF)
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 20, 2022

Automatic Recapture Values for Event Frames

I would like to have the possibility of automatically recapturing values for event frames, so if the lab data comes in after the events are generated the late values could be recaptured automatically and in bulk. This will save the time and effort to manually identify and recapture values for each of those event frames using PI System Explorer.
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  • Guest
    Aug 20, 2022
    similar entry here... I too have seen multiple lab data use cases with this need.
  • Guest
    Aug 20, 2022
    Auto-recalculate an event frame analysis is very different than auto-recapture values. In order to perform auto-recalculation of event frame analyses, we would need to keep an eye on out-of-order data that would've triggered an event frame analyses and proceed from there. That's manageable since we just need to keep track of the trigger tags for the analyses. Meanwhile, auto-recapture values in any event frame is much more complicated as we would need to keep track of everything that may affect a captured value. Imagine you have 10 million event frames and what we would need to keep track of. We have to assume that the auto-recapture event frames would apply to event frames NOT created by analyses.
  • Guest
    Aug 20, 2022
    We also have seen this issue with lab data. Event Frames have been a challenging subject to work with. Especially, Event Frames that have been closed, and require re-edits due to lab samples coming in later and being different values.
  • Guest
    Aug 20, 2022
    To recapture grand-child event frames you must click and expand first the parent event frame, then the child event frame and then the grand-child event frame and select all (shift + click) before you can recapture the values. This is documented here ( in the user guide. If you have many. many child and grand-child elements which can be created with batch interfaces clicking and expanding each one is very time consuming. Please include a "Expand- all" option that allows for value recapture of parent, child, and grand-child event frames without having to individually expand each one.