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AVEVA Product Feedback

Status Declined
Categories PI Builder
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 20, 2022

Automatically apply Excel data validation to PI Builder columns

Currently, if there is a problem in the user's PI Builder sheet, the user will not know until they click on "Publish" and see the error messages. To help avoid this, consider having PI Builder apply Excel's data validation feature to columns that do not have to connect to the PI Data Archive or the PI Asset Framework to be validated. For example, set up data validation to ensure that certain columns contain only numerical values, integers, dates, or numbers in a certain range. For columns with a fixed number of choices (e.g. the point type attribute of PI Points, the "Selected(x)" column), use a data validation dropdown list.
    Aug 20, 2022
    Thank you very much for sharing your feedback on the PI Server. After further evaluation, we have decided to decline this item, as we are not planning on implementing it in the near future due to other high priority items across the PI System. Thank you for your feedback, and know that we are listening and reviewing every item that gets submitted!
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