The Suggested PI Point Name configuration item in the AF Client should be able to be set on a AF Server basis instead of a User basis, at least as the initial default. There are default parameters we need to enforce from an enterprise/site level but it become unmanageable when the setting is based on user and PC.
Example parameters we would have as a default for all users:
\\%Server%\164-%..\Element%.%Element%.%Attribute%-AFA;descriptor=%Attribute|Description%;exdesc=AFPath:%System%\%Database%\%ElementPath%;ptsecurity=piadmin: A(r,w) | piadmins: A(r,w) | PIWorld: A(r,w);step=0
Using the User Registry, I must say, was a bit shortsighted. In fact, the default should be able to be set at the Database Level as you can have multiple databases per AF server. With engineers supporting multiple sites with multiple databases that may require different defaults, you’ve negated the value of having it configurable by putting it on the user’s machine forcing a singular configuration to all databases you connect to.