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AVEVA Product Feedback

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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 20, 2022

Safeguard against multiple analyses writing to the same PI Point

Safeguard against multiple analyses writing to the same PI Point. Currently it is possible to configure more than one analysis to write to the same PI point. This is a problem since it often goes undetected until someone looks at the data and sees unpredictable results. The road to finding which analyses is usually long and tedious. In my opinion, one improvement would be to either: 1. Safeguard so that it is impossible to configure the system so that more than one analysis cannot write to the same PI Point or 2. develop a mechanism which warns about this configuration (if OSIsoft deems this behavior valid and an acceptable use case)
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  • Guest
    Aug 20, 2022
    Unfortunately this is quite difficult to do. The Data Archive doesn't keep track of the exact application that is writing to a PI Point. As such, you can create two applications that write to the same PI Point currently. To complicate matter, the same service (PI Analysis Service) is writing to all the output PI Points from all the analyses so the Data Archive certainly cannot differentiate one from the other. Any prevention of these configuration errors would need to be done elsewhere.