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AVEVA Product Feedback

Status Declined
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 19, 2022

As a PI System Admin, I would like to save multiple AF Backups with custom file names

Only using the PIBackup.Bat, which references AFBAckup.Bat, be able to save the last 7 days of backups and the backup file names include the 'day' e.g. PIFD_Sun.bak, PIFD_Mon.bak.
    Aug 19, 2022
    Hi Pete, What you're asking for is very site specific and depends much on each person's IT requirements. As you have already noted, a skilled SQL administrator can take what we provide in the AF Backup and customize it to his/her unique needs. Since this is not a product enhancement request that would apply to all customers, I'm going declining this idea.
  • Attach files
  • Pete Long
    Aug 19, 2022
    This works by creating a unique sub folder, but I'm sure there's a cleaner way that would make this idea valuable for all sites 'out of the box': SET SQLINSTANCE=sgprdaf01\sqlexpress SET SITETIME=%date:~0,3% SET SITEPATH=%~1%SITETIME%\ @rem @rem @if NOT EXIST "%~1" mkdir "%~1" @rem sqlcmd -S %SQLINSTANCE% -d PIFD -Q "EXEC dbo.usp_backup @outpath = N'%~1%';" -E @if NOT EXIST "%SITEPATH%" mkdir "%SITEPATH%" sqlcmd -S %SQLINSTANCE% -d PIFD -Q "EXEC dbo.usp_backup @outpath = N'%SITEPATH%';" -E