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AVEVA Product Feedback

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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 20, 2022

Allow analyses to have both Scheduled and Event triggers

Allow analyses to have both Scheduled and Event triggers, rather than having to choose just one of the triggering mechanisms
    Aug 20, 2022
    Upon further research and investigation, we currently do not have any plans to implement this idea. Allowing both scheduling make it impossible to recalculate as we have no way to recreate the triggering logic. This is a fairly severe shortcoming that we want to avoid.
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Aug 20, 2022
    This is useful in instances where data collection is push to PIUDS rather than pull (via interface) or where calculations have several inputs and data update on Snapshot is not predictable.
  • Guest
    Aug 20, 2022
    It would be nice to have event-triggered analysis and set a period of time after the analysis is triggered when no input trigger value comes.
  • Guest
    Aug 20, 2022
    Can you help me understand what you mean by "set a period of time after the analysis...."? Are you asking to trigger an analysis after a certain amount of time even though there were no event-triggers?
  • Guest
    Aug 20, 2022
    In reply to Stephen, yes exactly. Here's an example use case: I have an analysis that calculates the "Status" of an equipment or production line (e.g. Active/Inactive). Active: Feed rate is above 50. Inactive: Feed rate is below 50 for 5 minutes. Let's say the feed rate tag snapshot data does not necessarily come in every 5 minutes, sometimes only every 30 minutes. Then I want my analysis to trigger both at every snapshot event, but also at minimum every 5 minutes, to check my inactive condition. Right now our workaround is to create artificial "Trigger" tags with periodic analyses, and add these in a variable in our analysis.