AF should allow you to have a PI Point Data Reference as individual bits within an INT. Ex. PIPOINTA is an int16 or int32. PIPOINTA.0 and PIPOINTA.1...etc.. should be able to be mapped to a bool attribute. (where .0 is the 0th spot in the integer tag).
When using a PI Connector we have INT tags but also use the individual bits within the INT's as unique bool variables to help conserve traffic. When I use them in AF I need to unpack them. A support person at OSI showed me how to use formula attributes using modular logic to unpack them in AF (see first attachment). This works nice for data in patterns but when the bools are packed in tight just to satisfy the connector INT then they are scattered and do not cleanly follow patterns that a simple AF template can be used to unpack them cleanly.
The other two attachments shows an example of a functional INT pinpoint reference, and then the error image is what I would like working (adding the .0 element).