Automated re-compression/average after a period of time
As a PI Administrator, currently there is no way to compress or average (then delete) your data automatically after an event reaches a certain age. It would be nice to have the ability to automatically compress or average specific tags after the e...
Store the timestamp an event arrives at the Data Archive, in addition to the timestamp of the event itself
Currently, the Data Archive stores the timestamp of an event as well as it's value. It would be useful to also store the timestamp at which the event arrives at the Data Archive (perhaps this could be a configurable option set for individual tags)...
Enhance tag search and message log filters via logical operators
Proposed features
- search for TAGS in PI SMT using also logical operators (like AND, OR and NOT) to refine the search criteria
- search for MESSAGE LOGS in PI SMT using also logical operators (like AND, OR and NOT) to refine the search c...
Can buffer subsystem be enhanced to manage value deletions from tags? We have a collective and utilize buffering to send data to both collective members however we have to jump through hoops to delete data from both collective members. It would be...
over 2 years ago
in Data Archive
No status
smarter calculation of PI Backup required free space
When backfilling tags from AF its very easy to update many archives. I would like the backup script to only require free space for archives that don't exist in the target folder. We have periodic incremental backup failures do to a lack of free di...
over 2 years ago
in Data Archive
No status
Replace the batch (.bat) scripts in the %PISERVER% folder with PowerShell (.ps1) scripts
This replacement is appropriate for several reasons: PowerShell is easier to read and is a more powerful language than the batch language. Batch scripts are best used in Windows, whereas PowerShell is cross-platform. This replacement will support ...
over 2 years ago
in Data Archive
No status
Optimize and compress non-primary historic archive files
Currently, the same file format is used for primary and non-primary historic archive files. This does not make much sense since the two types are used very differently. For the primary archive: Write operations should be fast since it is collectin...
over 2 years ago
in Data Archive
No status
troubleshooting AF Analytics with better diagnostics
I'd like better diagnostic information around why event frames are not create by AF Analytics so that my solutions are of high quality and my users have confidence in their EF data.
As a user I would like the ability to prevent "Preview Results" from generating a plot. The plot takes a ton of time to fill in, and often, I care more about the actual data row-by-row than I do about the trend. It's frustrating to kno...