As a user I would like the ability to prevent "Preview Results" from generating a plot. The plot takes a ton of time to fill in, and often, I care more about the actual data row-by-row than I do about the trend. It's frustrating to kno...
Behind the scenes, Analytics groups calculations during startup of the PI Analysis service. However, after startup, sometimes an Analysis 'falls' out of a group and cannot be added back. This returns the error message, "Failed to inser...
Substitution Parameters in Analysis Template Names
As an AF administrator, I want to configure analysis template names using Substitution Parameters to distinguish analysis from each other with PSE and in AF SDK Applications.
Provide a basic library of analysis to answer simple questions about assets : how many cycles on/off last year ? How long did it run over 90% last week? This library should manage the data quality
We have a template called AnalogPVAsset with an analysis called BadValues (see attachment level 1).
Derived from that template we have a template AnalogPVSTSEuLoHiAsset where we have overridden the BadValues analysis (see attachment level 2). The...
For our technical account we have to do recalulations on a daily basis, because of late arriving data. Auto-recalculation is not an option, because late arriving data that arrives after we have published the results, should not(!) be respected any...
Limit the load of the PIRecalculationprocessor when backfilling
We had a few issues with key-users creating inefficient AF Analysis and starting a backfill over a longer time period.
This resulted in a CPU load of 100% (caused by the PIRecalculationprocessor).
The whole PI System got not responsive incl. PI Sy...
Please provide a 'GoTo' like Funciton for Analysis Expressions to skip expressions or maybe even go back to a previous Expression.
I realize you don't have line numbers per se, but if the Expressions operate in order, could you use the Variable Na...