The UOM database is currently cluttered with SI-prefixed units. To help clean this up, there should be a UOM prefix database.
Then instead of having J, kJ, MJ, etc. in the UOM database, you would just map the SI prefix set to J. Also, instead of ...
Configurable return when hovering over element in PI System Explorer (PI AF)
Make it configurable to show the "Description" of an element (or any other field configured by the user) when hovering over an element in PI System Explorer instead of only showing its path.
It would be great in AF to have multi tree-type hierarchy feature to be able to copy by reference a parent element (without its child elements attached to it).
See the attachment
Element/Attribute names are designed to be user friendly names. However, sometimes, the PI Tag name syntax only contains a portion of the Element/Attribute Name. It would be nice to have a substring function for Substitution Parameters...
With the introduction of the property "Delta UOM", there is no way to control this in PSE. We need this to properly configure or modify UOM classes
Refer to 2017SP2 release notes:
A new property, DeltaUOM, has been added to the UOM objec...
Create a button for the "Analysis Service Statistics" in the management tab in
wish to have the "Analysis Service Statistics" to have a button in the management tab in PSE. Instead of right clicking and click on "view analysis service statistics".
In PI System Explorer, when using "Export to File..." and with "Include All Referenced Objects" selected, please allow one to exclude UOM's from the XML file. Due to the UOM database being server wide and not just for AFDB.