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Showing 1305 of 1305

Define default scheduling for newly created PI Analyses

When creating new analyses with Asset Analytics, our users sometimes forget to modify the scheduling from natural to periodic, which might lead to high trigger ratios and degraded performance. AF should allow administrators to define the default a...
Guest about 1 year ago in Analytics & Calculations 1 No status

Allow writing arrays as a time series to an output

I would like to be able to configure outputs in an analysis to write at multiple time points (which are defined by the result of an array function). My use case is to: 1. Configure an attribute as a Time Series Table Lookup 2. Create an analysi...
Guest over 2 years ago in Analytics & Calculations 2 Tell us more

Enlarge area for editing analysis expressions

When editing an Analysis Expression, only 4.5 lines appear. It would helpful if more lines appeared (greater than 20 lines).
Guest over 2 years ago in Analytics & Calculations 5 No status

List Notifications by User

It would be useful to add a feature to list notifications by user. This feature would be helpful in managing the list of notifications as more notifications are created and as users change job roles.
Guest over 2 years ago in Notifications 4 No status

Selectable Write Mode for Analyses

As an analysis user I would like to define what should happen if multiple triggers occur with the same timestamp. Currently AF analysis are using "Replace" mode when writing to the archive (meaning if multiple triggers have the same timestamp, the...
Guest over 2 years ago in Analytics & Calculations 6 No status

Add single scale option for PI AF trending

Currently in PI Asset Framework, trending PI Points will default with a display with multiple scales. There should be the option to change the display to view the trend with a single scale making it easier to identify differences with multiple PI ...
Guest 3 months ago in Asset Framework (AF) 0 No status

Please add product name (eg 2018 SP2) to the version information in PI SMT

You have to translate between software version (eg 3.4.445.688) and the product name (eg 2018 SP2) by searching for a document in support. It would make sense to show the product name in PI SMT alongside the software version
Guest about 2 months ago in System Management 0 No status

Limit Analytics to Only Write to Specific Pointsource

A useful setting for PI Analytics would be the ability to specify a specific pointsource that the Analytic service writes to. This would help tremendously to troubleshoot what tags on the PI DA server are being written to by AF Analytics.
Guest 6 months ago in Analytics & Calculations 0 No status

PI AF - Child Event Frames using different template to parent

We currently have Event Frames generating for machine faults, with child event frames then tracking things such as maintenance team response time etc. Leveraging this data in excel reports is proving difficult however due to the Child Event Frame...
Guest over 2 years ago in Analytics & Calculations 3 Declined

TagTot should make use of input UOM when no output UOM is defined

TagTot will automatically account for UOM that have the time dimension as something other than per day only when the input has an assigned UOM and the function has an output UOM defined. It would be friendlier if the output UOM was defaulted based...
Guest 21 days ago in Analytics & Calculations 0 No status