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PI SMT - Archive Editor Improvements

Why is the second server of all selected servers the default selected server for the archive editor? (C# index 1 instead of 0?) If I leave the Tagname empty and press the search button the tag search dialog opens fine. But if I enter some text at...
HolgerJoistOmv over 2 years ago in System Management 0 No status

Increase Box Length for Tagname Field in Archive Editor

The Tagname field visible length should be increased within Archive Editor in System Management Tools. The full tag name is limited and cannot tell what is listed because the name is cut off. (See screenshot and steps listed below.) Steps to repr...
Guest over 2 years ago in System Management 0 No status

Expose connection history information to PI SMT

As PI System administrator, I would like to know the number of clients connection given a time frame. (e.g. * -1 month) Currently, this is only exposed to the pidiag command line utility. It would help me as a pi system admin to see it within a us...
Guest over 2 years ago in System Management 0 No status

Replace "timeout parameters" with "tuning parameters" in the description of the PITUNING Database Security table

In PI System Management Tools, under the Database Security plugin, the description of the PITUNING table is: "Controls access to Timeout parameters and the Firewall" "Timeout parameters" is the old name for "tuning parameters", I'm guessing from ...
Guest over 2 years ago in System Management 0 No status

Make the tuning parameter Base_AllowSIDLookupFailureForMapping visible by default

When this tuning parameter is enabled, it prevents a PI Collective from being flagged as out-of-sync when some of the PI Collective members can resolve the SID of a PI Mapping and others cannot. However, by default, this tuning parameter is hidden...
Guest over 2 years ago in System Management 0 No status

Better handling of data from mobile or shared equipment

Better handle data coming from shared or mobile equipment where the association of the data changes from one piece of equipment to another. Example: shared drilling equipment data associated with the wells they are drilling.
Guest over 2 years ago in Asset Framework (AF) 0 No status

Ability to write data to the Buffer Subystem using the AF SDK when PI Data Archive is unavailable at start up

As an user, I want to be able to write data to the PI Data Archive via the Buffer Subsystem even when the PI Data Archive is unavailable at start up so that my application can continue to run without having to wait for a connection to the PI Data ...
Guest over 2 years ago in Asset Framework (AF) 0 Tell us more

Improve usability of configuring AF security using PI System Explorer

As a user, I want to have improved interaction when configuring AF security using PI System Explorer, so that I can make changes to AF security more easily and accurately.
Guest over 2 years ago in Asset Framework (AF) 1 Tell us more

library management

As an administrator I require a better mechanism to manager AF Library objects across multiple AF servers. I would suggest extending the current library functionality in AF to include the following: * library can be versioned * Objects created...
Guest over 2 years ago in Asset Framework (AF) 2 No status

Log SQL server name when throwing network-related or instance-specific errors

When the AF Server throws a network-related or instance-specific SQL error it only says that it failed to establish a connection to "SQL Server". It further says to check if the instance name is correct. However, it never says to what SQL server...
Guest over 2 years ago in Asset Framework (AF) 0 Declined