pH is a common enough unit that it should be in the UOM database by default. It is also tricky for customers to add pH themselves and get the dimensions correct, so it is best that OSIsoft does this for us.
Analysis Searches - Allow Searching by 'Backilling'
In PI System Explorer under the Management tab, add a new search category in Analysis Searches to allow searching by Backfilling. The Backfilling status column is always shown in the results window, but there is no way to search by this column.
Currently, exponents in UOM abbreviations are not superscripted (e.g. cm2, ft3). Please use the proper superscript characters for these (e.g. cm², ft³).
Be able to add child attributes to attributes that use limit traits
Currently, if an attribute has a limit trait assigned to it, it cannot have child attributes. This seems somewhat arbitrary. Child attributes of attributes with limit traits would be useful for high/low warnings/alarms.
Use "whole" as the canonical UOM of the Ratio UOM class
The Ratio UOM class represents part-to-whole ratios (i.e. the units are relative to the whole). Also, ratios are the result of a division. The division produces the number of wholes that the part represents. Any other ratio unit (e.g. %) requires ...
Set the Configuration Item on attribute templates by default and remove when a data reference is added, similar to attributes
Attributes have Configuration Item set by default. If a data reference is added, Configuration Item is removed.
Attribute templates have Configuration Item not set by default. Please change this so that attribute templates are consistent with att...
Have an easy way to expand the entire attribute hierarchy
Elements usually do not have tens or hundreds of attributes. A lot of the time, it would be nice to be able to expand the attribute hierarchy all at once rather than expand each parent attribute separately.
Distinguish between unitless attributes and attributes whose units have not been assigned
It is difficult to tell on which attributes and attribute templates PI administrators forgot to add unit labelling when the default default UOM and the UOM to indicate unitlessness are the same: .
Instead, the default default UOM and the UOM to b...