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Showing 1305 of 1305

New functions for analysis

New functions are needed for most problems in our fileds process and quality: * countif (count with conditions over specified horizon) * for loop (even it might be hard to implementate)
Guest over 2 years ago in Analytics & Calculations 6 No status

Provide options to connect PI Analysis service either to Primary or Any collective members

As a PI server Administrator I would like to have a way to decide the PI DA collective member Analysis server should connect. This will allow us to manage better the load on PI DA
Guest over 2 years ago in Analytics & Calculations 2 No status

Make badval() in Formula data reference equivalent to BadVal() in Analytics

Currently, BadVal() in Asset Analytics can handle situations like BadVal(1/0) without throwing a divide by zero error, but the badval() function in the Formula DR cannot. The request is to make them equivalent so that behavior is consistent across...
Guest over 2 years ago in Analytics & Calculations 6 No status

Preview Results should display values of variables in event frame generation analysis

If I want to create an analysis that generates an event frame in PI System Explorer, often times it's useful to check the values of variables to make sure that a calculation is being done as expected to mitigate error on my end, and make sure I am...
Guest over 2 years ago in Analytics & Calculations 0 No status

Allow to automatically purge Event Frame History

It is currently possible to purge Event Frames using afdiag. I know that version 2018 will bring more filters on that features. It would be nice to be able to configure the purge feature directly from PSE, thus avoiding to have the management of W...
jerome.boudon over 2 years ago in Event Frames (EF) 1 Declined

Purge EFs using AFDIAG and more search criterias'

You should be able to urge EFs using more complex search criterias' than the ones provide in the latest PI Server 2018 SP3 (StartTime, EndTIme, EF Template). Most important criteria would be EF categories, but also some honorable mentions: 1. EF ...
Guest over 2 years ago in Event Frames (EF) 4 No status

Additional PI Notifications "Notify Option" for Reason Code

Add an additional field to the "Notify Option" list in PI Notifications Subscriptions for Reason Code. This enables you to have a triage / supervisor check Event Frames and assign a Reason Code prior to a PI Notification being sent. The receiver o...
Guest over 2 years ago in Notifications 1 Declined

Add a "save changes" warning to the SMT Point Builder

In the Point Builder, if the user makes a change to one tag and they click on a different tag, ask them if they want to save/discard changes.
Guest over 2 years ago in System Management 2 Declined

Progress Bar for deleting large volumes of data in SMT->Archive editor.

Progress bar for SMT->Archive Editor when deleting large volume of data. Currently, when deleting around 30,000 events it takes approx 20 mins and the GUI appears to hang and become unresponsive (it is actually working). A progress bar would a...
Guest over 2 years ago in System Management 0 Declined

AF XML Export and Import Should Be Version Aware

XML export and import should get the possibility to export and import all or any versions of an element, not only the actual one.
Guest over 2 years ago in Asset Framework (AF) 5 Declined