Change UoM, Display Digits of attribute independently of element template
Currently, if an attribute is created with a Unit of Measurement in an element template, it is not possible to change the Unit of Measurement in the element created from that template.
If no UoM is given in the template, then the UoM of the under...
I would like to monitor and manage alerts & events gathered from PI Interface for OPC AE to create a report like Top 10 alarms, Floating Alarm, Operator Alarm, because by default PI System will collect AE as a string and stored it. Should we h...
To bring back Archive activity grid which brings many insights for the administrators for archive health monitoring. My suggestion is to maybe enhance it and provide a UI base functionality, similar to PI AuditViewer.
Link to user manual/ help file unavailable from UI
The connector UI does not contain any link to the help documentation or the user manual. The files are also not found in the standard PIPC path and are available only with the installation extarction
over 2 years ago
in Installation
No status
Allow individual MSIs to be extracted from the PI Server 2018 install kit
(from case 939560)
I kindly request you add an enhancement request to allow individual MSIs to be extracted from the install kit. On numerous occasions, I’ve had upgrade/install failures that could be easily overcome by re-running the affected MS...
Improve AF Transformer PostProcessing logging and performance
PostProcessing stage of the transformation (if using ParantID and ElementID) should use paging (or another approach) for a better performance, it should also be better logged and display number of objects processed, a number of objects in the list...
As a PI Administrator, we should be able to see which PI mapping was used for a Windows AD user in PI message logs.
Through PI message logs I want to see which PI mapping was used for a Windows AD user, currently only the PI identity associated the windows AD is visible in the Logs. PI mapping information will give us more idea/facts about the particular Window...
over 2 years ago
in Data Archive
No status
PI DA Server should allow for more flexibility in terms of the format of archived data. A big advantage would be if PI could archive two timestamps per event. One timestamp will come from whatever the data source is (PI Interfaces, fiels devices, ...
It would be nice to have threshold attributes for pi points. Then we could configure that values received from the source outside this limits would be ignored (not stored), substituted by the respective threshold value or even by an "Over\Under Ra...
The PI backup tools currently do not have a method to backup only the files related to PI Points. The purpose of this would be to refresh the point table on a QA system from a production system. The current PI backup method is all or nothing.
over 2 years ago
in Data Archive
No status