Ability to create a list of frequently used Contacts for use in PI Notification
The option for users to create a list of commonly used Contacts for use in PI Notifications subscribers would save the hassle of individually searching contacts each time members are added to a subscription. Additionally, using Contact Groups are ...
Ability to Customize Trend Line in PI System Explorer
Add the ability to customize the trend line attributed in PI System Explorer. This includes line type, line thickness, color, point types, point colors, etc.
Allow attribute templates to be referenced across different element templates using substitution parameters
By allowing for attribute templates to be referenced across element templates allows for increased flexibility in build AF hierarchies without the need for duplicating attribute templates. .
Addition of a filter in substitution parameters based on an attribute value
It would be great to have a new filter in substitution parameters based on an attribute value.
Example:.\Elements[@Template=EquipmentChild][@|Motor Type=Primary]|Attribute_B
where "Motor Type" is an attribute of child element(s).
As a PI System Admin, I would like to save multiple AF Backups with custom file names
Only using the PIBackup.Bat, which references AFBAckup.Bat, be able to save the last 7 days of backups and the backup file names include the 'day' e.g. PIFD_Sun.bak, PIFD_Mon.bak.
In the Configuration database, use an "SMTP Server" element template
The element "\\\Configuration\OSIsoft\PIANO\DeliveryChannel" has a child element that has a set of "SMTPServer" attributes and a similar set of "BackupSMTPServer" attributes. Please extract each set into its own child element. Each child element s...
I know this has most likely been brought up before, but i'd like to see the option to change the new Pi tag created name in the window
I know this has most likely been brought up before, but i'd like to see the option to change the new Pi tag created name in the window that pops up after clicking Map, new Attribute. I don't need the %ID% added to the point name.
Overridden Analysis Templates and Example Elements
There is an audience of users that (based on recommendations from OSIsoft staff) overrides analysis templates - creates an analytic in a derived template with the same name as an analytic in the base. They can change the input attributes or even t...