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Showing 1294 of 1294

Add an analysis function to find the Kth largest value in an array

Expression analyses allow you to find the largest value of an attribute over a specified time range using the TagMax function. A function which offers the ability the find the Kth largest value (i.e. 2nd, 3rd, etc.) would be useful. Something simi...
Guest over 2 years ago in Analytics & Calculations 0 No status

Asset Analytics should have a performance counter to indicate data loss on the UpdateManager queue

Currently there is no way to know if Analytics missed important updates (e.g. start of a batch) without analyzing the message logs. However, the AFSDK does provide an indication on the DataPipe if the pipe is in an overflow state, allowing for a c...
Roger Palmen over 2 years ago in Analytics & Calculations 1 No status

Insert New Variable in Analysis Template

I would like to be able to insert a new variable above or below a highlighted variable, instead of having the new variable always go to the bottom of the list. This is very problematic when needing to add a new variable to the top of the list when...
Guest over 2 years ago in Analytics & Calculations 2 No status

Enable Compression for recalculated Analyses up to "Now"

Analysis Recalculation produces Out of Order Events, which means they are not compressed. The reason for this behavior is, that there is a more recent snapshot value existing. This also happens, when Recalculation is performed till "Now" (*), beca...
Guest over 2 years ago in Analytics & Calculations 6 No status

Event Frame Re-capture/Backfill Option to Save Annotations/Reasons

When a backfill or "recapture events" option is selected for Event Frames, give the user an option to "Save Annotations" for that specific event frame. Right now, we use Event Frames to copy in Reason Codes and Comments (that are logged as annotat...
Guest over 2 years ago in Event Frames (EF) 1 No status

Remove deleted PI Identities from everywhere that they are used

Currently, if you delete a PI Identity that is still being used, the deletion will succeed and the PI Identity gets renamed to a number everywhere that it is used. This doesn't do much good, since the number does not reveal what the PI Identity us...
Guest over 2 years ago in System Management 0 Declined

Provide "Point Last Accessed" information to determine clients' use of PI Points

It would be useful to be able to determine when (or even if) a PI Point was last accessed by a client application to retrieve its data.  This would enable redundant points to be identified and removed. Alternatively/additionally some form of...
Guest over 2 years ago in System Management 2 Declined

Ability to search find where specific UOM are used

As a user, I want to be able to find where specific UOM are used, so that I know the impact of UOM changes to my PI AF hierarchy.
Guest over 2 years ago in Asset Framework (AF) 1 No status

More customizable filter options for the PI AF Audit Trail

As a user of the PI AF Audit Trail, I would like more customizable filter options.  For example, I would like to be able to query changes "not equal" to a string.
Guest over 2 years ago in Asset Framework (AF) 1 No status

New attribute trait: PI Tag Name

Since using the child attribute "PI Tag Name" to hold the actual tag name is considered best practice in AF, why not encourage it even more by making it an attribute trait? Another option would be the ability to expose the actual tag name as a pr...
Asle Frantzen over 2 years ago in Asset Framework (AF) 1 Declined