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Correct pointDB_RemoveEmptySource behaviour or change Point Source Management

Hello, About the tuning parameter pointDB_RemoveEmptySource the following Article : Indicates : Perform any of the following actions to trigger removal of empty point sou...
Guest 12 months ago in Data Archive 2 No status

Notifications: Choose Example Element/Event Frame for Testing

Just like for testing analyses, it would be helpful if I could select an example element (or historical event frame) when testing my notification. It's hard to tell if my configuration will populate correctly if values are generic/zeros. Waiting u...
Guest 3 months ago in Notifications 0 No status

Quadratic Regression

Add a quadratic regression function similar to "LinRegr". This would be helpful for trending relationships that are not linear, such as flow vs. pressure.
Guest 3 months ago in Analytics & Calculations 0 No status

OIDC authentication with federated accounts (through CONNECT) requires too many steps

Currently, it is a 5-step process to get authenticated. After the first authentication, it is only a 3-step process, but still clunky.
Laurie Dieffenbach 3 months ago in Security 0 No status

Support UOMs across AF databases within an organization

UOM conversions done on one AF Instance cannot be referenced by another AF Instance, even for the base/built-in UOMs. A customer uses an AF pattern where they have a golden (reference) AF structure that is referenced by other AF structures to help...
Laurie Dieffenbach 3 months ago in Asset Framework (AF) 0 No status

Add OpenOnly and CloseOnly capabilities in PI-AF notification formats

Add markup to include/exclude content in-between in notification formats? This would be a far more elegant and flexible solution vs. separate templates or using the global Message for Closed Notification. e.g. <openonly>foo</openonly> ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Notifications 0 No status

Buffering Manager should have tuning parameter for Points with Post Errors

Right now there is a PerfMon counter for Buffer Health.  It's either 0, 1, or 2.  That's not helpful because it doesn't tell you what is wrong.  There are other PerfMon counters for Remaining Queue capacity and Points with Post Erro...
Guest over 2 years ago in General 1 Tell us more

Support storing data quality

As a user I want to be able to collect, store and analyze quality information associated with real-time events and assets. This feature will allow the user to determine the trustworthiness of the data when decisions are made. Note: This was previ...
Guest over 2 years ago in Data Archive 0 Declined

PI Data Archive: Improve piarchss performance

PI Archive Subsystem should be able to use operating memory more efficiently. For example by loading as many non-primary archives into its process memory as possible (perhaps it could be affected by a user setting).
Guest over 2 years ago in Data Archive 2 Declined

High availability options with Big-IP F5 for Notifications and Analytics instead of only Windows Clustering?

We have redundant servers for AF components (Notifications & Analytics). In a virtual environment, our IT doesn't support Windows Clustering due to the way storage is implemented enterprise wide. What does it take to support F5? Our IT engin...
Guest over 2 years ago in Analytics & Calculations 2 Declined