Exclude certain event frames when performing backfilling/recalculation
As an asset-analytics user, I need a way for certain event frames to be excluded when backfilling an analysis .
Use case:
We have several event frames that are used as Logs/Shift books. Those events do contain a few static attributes. such as com...
Improve Notification - PI Coresight URL Configuration
It would be better to have validate URL option in the PI Coresight URL Configurations windows in Notifications->Message Format->Insert Link feature. This would prevent the user from hitting post config incorrect Coresight URL issues.
Button for unchecking all Trigger On attributes when setting up an analysis
When setting up an Analysis in Pi System Explorer as Event Triggered, all attributes will by default be chosen as Trigger on.
Normally, I would only like the analysis to trigger on one input, if there are many attributes deselecting all is time c...
The highest frequency that is currently allowed for the analysis service is 120Hz. This is a limiting when you want to use it to do analysis on higher frequency data. A higher limit, such as 1kHz would be an appreciable improvement.
Let the dimension of an analysis determine the attribute's allowable default UOMs
Currently, if an analysis is mapped to an attribute, the dimension of the analysis's output is ignored and the user must instead choose the attribute's default UOM manually based on the intended dimension of the analysis's output.
To help the use...
Analysis evaluation timestamp for developing analyses
For developing and testing analyses it would often be nice to do the evaluation not only for "Now" but also for a user specified timestamp (where special conditions occurred).
Modify all Analysis Expressions with Text Visualizer
Similar to the ability to open Text Visualizer by hitting 'F2' would be the ability to do the same for modifying (ALL) analysis expressions at once.
This would be very helpful in copying existing expressions to other analyses or server environmen...
Add security concept for Analytics Expressions at the analysis level
As an organization I want to keep confidential calculations secured even inside the same organization. Currently we can control Analytics r/w access on the Database level. Often this is not enough granularity and the organization will want t...