Ability to use substitution parameters in attribute template names
Would like ability to use substitution parameters in attribute template names. Using PI-SNMP for Linux file partition data. We need to know the storage index# in AF since they vary server to server. Want to provide users doing searches...
Formula data references do not support string value type attributes (e.g. if stringattribute="Yes" then "X" else "Y"). One workaround is to create an analysis on the element template with the same logic mapped to an attribute on the element templa...
Add a quadratic regression function similar to "LinRegr". This would be helpful for trending relationships that are not linear, such as flow vs. pressure.
Provide more granular configuration for default ACLs
As a PI Administrator of a PI System with complex security requirements, I need to set up different default permissions for various users so they can create tags that automatically have the proper security instead of having to rely on a process/pr...
over 2 years ago
in Data Archive
No status
Right now BadVal can only check one variable or Expression. So if I am evaluating an expression with say 10 inputs, and I want the expression to output NoOutput() if any one of the 10 inputs are BadVal, then I have 2 options right now. ...
Ability to change the timezone used in PI System Explorer with a feature similar to what is found in PI DataLink or PI SMT 2017.
As an end user, I would like to be able to change the timezone referenced in PI System Exporer from client timezone to server timezone. Something similar to the "PI Data Archive Time Zone" setting found in PI DataLink would be helpful.
Currently, AF search results can only be sorted by a single field. It would be useful to have the capability to specify 2 (or more) SortField values so that the order of results can be guaranteed in the result of a tie.
For example, being able to...
Support UOMs across AF databases within an organization
UOM conversions done on one AF Instance cannot be referenced by another AF Instance, even for the base/built-in UOMs. A customer uses an AF pattern where they have a golden (reference) AF structure that is referenced by other AF structures to help...
Analysis timerule option: Add a possibility to make the timerule conservative. Emit calculation events only if the snapshot time of all inputs are more recent than the planned calculation time.
Now the TimeRules Natural and Periodic emit events to the Data PIPE in case NATURAL: an event is received by one of the selected inputs case PERIOD: when a certain timespan elapse.Both method doesn't take into account that some input of the analys...