Effective Access tab in PSE should show Owner Identity
This enhancement would be resolving a rare problem, as the Owner Identity is not granted rights to any Items in AF by default. It would be due to the security scheme configured in AF, which the responsible AF Administrator should be aware of. The ...
EventFrames suppression based on count of triggers
Problem : ☐ Consider, one notification is configured to know the disconnectivity of a data source. If that data source got disconnected, will be receiving the hundreds of notifications in our mail inbox. Notifications will stop only once the data ...
about 2 months ago
in Notifications
No status
Make it easier to get a list of buffered or unbuffered points on the PI Data Archive
For PI System Administrators, it would be nice to be able to easily get a list of all buffered or unbuffered points on the PI Data Archive.
Currently, a list of buffered points is possible to retrieve using 'piartool -bfs -ptlist', but a comprehe...
over 2 years ago
in Data Archive
No status
When force shifting an archive, the following message is displayed:
"Warning: This shift will clear data from the target archive. Are you sure you want to force an archive shift on to a new archive?"
When Auto Archive Creation is enabled (having...
over 2 years ago
in Data Archive
No status
Delay Real-Time Calculations until backfill is finished.
For recursive Analyses such as below :
PrevVal(tagA,'*') + 'TagB' → output : tagA
When the PI Analysis Service is down (or the node needs to be restarted), the current calculation needs to be halted until the Backfilling reaches up to the start u...
Ability to override analysis in a derived template
When i create a derived Element Template, i would like to be able to override an inherited analysis. Now i am severly limited in the re-use of templates due to this limitation. I cannot extend nor exclude functionality in a derived template if thi...
Analysis - Default Backfill configuration for service startup
When a failover occur or at service startup, ALL analysis configured for backfilling executes based on the last configured backfill/recalculate timerange.
There is an urgent need for a DEFAULT per-analysis configuration in case of service startu...
The Suggested PI Point Name configuration item in the AF Client should be able to be set on a AF Server basis instead of a User basis, at least as the initial default. There are default parameters we need to enforce from an enterprise/site level b...
Ability to Manage Global Notification Formats from PI Builder
Currently, there is no button in PI Builder which allows users to bring in Global Notifications Formats. The button would allow users to read in current Formats and then users would be able to Publish edited formats or newly created formats. This ...
As an user, I want to be able to retrieve results of event frame searches and summaries and store them as AF attributes so that I can view event frame data in an AF attribute.