Provide a way to backfill/recalculate analyses from Analysis Template tab in PSE
It is difficult to find all the analyses from template to backfill/recalculate after making changes in Analysis Template. Currently one has to navigate to the Management plug-in, do some sort of search/filter, then queue the analyses. ...
When a failover occur or at service startup, ALL analysis configured for backfilling executes based on the last configured backfill/recalculate timerange.
There is actually no feature to manually remove a configured backfill on a specific analysis.
Include subseconds in output timestamp from variable
Currently we have an analysis with the output timestamp set to be a variable within the analysis. If I map that variable to an output, it includes the subseconds, but the output time for the analysis is truncated to the second. The output time for...
When editing PI Points, PI Builder does not return any error if one of the headers is wrong or misspelled. Simply, nothing is edited for that header and you only find out at a later time when looking at the PI point. It would be useful if PI...
PI System Management Tools (SMT) as a web application
Please consider creating a web application like PI Vision Admin, PI Web API Search, PI Manual Logger for Web, and the various integrators, but for PI System Managment Tools (SMT). I would prefer this to the client-server design now. It...
PI System Explorer shows the creation date and last changed date of AF objects by default
As a PI System Explorer user I want to be able to see when was the creation date and last changed date of an AF object without enabling the Audit Trail, similar to the PI SMT feature which is easily accessible and works by default.
Allow object specific Audit Trails to be accessed by object level Administrators
Currently to view the Audit Trails of any object on an AF Server, Server level Administrator privileges are needed.
There should be the ability for a user that does not have server level administrator to view the Audit Trails of a specific object...
Provide a tool (in PSE?) to assist management of analytics scheduling offsets
We recommend customers use offsets to distribute scheduled calculations across time but there is not a good way manage this.Propose some utility to list a group of all scheduled analyses by same period, users supply X number of offsets and then th...
In Asset Analytics, there isn't a way to include a filtering function in a single analytic. For example, you may be calculating run hours on a motor, but there is no way to filter the calculation so that it is only done when the motor is running.